Murat Toloğlu
2014-05-06 07:01:42 UTC
As an RTL-SDR and RPi fan ( I love if the both can come together
successfully) I appreciate very much if topic initiator or someone else can
try the below suggested solution candidate and share his experience with us!
My observation is, recommended kernel update improves the performance a
little but buffer underruns continue and without -Dplug:default option a
smooth voice can't be achieved.
73, Murat TA1DB
As an RTL-SDR and RPi fan ( I love if the both can come together
successfully) I appreciate very much if topic initiator or someone else can
try the below suggested solution candidate and share his experience with us!
My observation is, recommended kernel update improves the performance a
little but buffer underruns continue and without -Dplug:default option a
smooth voice can't be achieved.
73, Murat TA1DB
Good news: this issue has been addressed with recent fixes to the
Raspberry Pi linux kernel. With version 3.12.18+ #679 there are nounderruns with rtl_fm just as before this problem occurred. I haven't
tried yet, but it may be necessary to use rpi-update to pull the latest
version until this is merged with the apt package.tried yet, but it may be necessary to use rpi-update to pull the latest
Thanks again to those who have contributed to rtl_fm. It's pretty cool to
have an SDR that uses <20% of a Raspberry Pi CPU.73, Bob W9RAN